Ryan Lister
The Salk Institute For Biological Studies

My research focuses on the role of epigenomic modifications in genome organization and transcription in complex eukaryotic organisms. After receiving my Ph.D. from the University of Western Australia, I joined Joseph Ecker's laboratory at The Salk Institute for Biological Studies as a postdoctoral fellow in 2006. I developed methodologies for utilizing Illumina high-throughput DNA sequencing technologies to achieve base-resolution mapping of DNA methylation throughout plant and mammalian genomes. By integrating these reference methylation maps with transcript and chromatin modification profiles we have analyzed the interplay between DNA methylation, chromatin structure and transcriptional activity, yielding new insights into the composition and function of DNA methylation in plants, people and the pluripotent state. My ongoing research regards how these complex epigenomic patterns are established and altered, and how they affect the readout of underlying genetic information.